Monday, June 18, 2007


when the night fruits roll down white chinese plates
a butter avocado, dark purple, it's everything.
she, her legs spread in a v,
threw an arm around the rider's black helmet,
and shot yellow octopus arms
of banana skin to the metal fence that went
clang! but her toes are puffy as if it
and any second might burst peach-coloured nastiness
where the nails used to be.
her legs though are stronger and leaner and shapelier
than her sister's, as she climbs the dark brown stairs
in her open stilettos, i could see one calf tightening like
a bodybuilder's arm.
and his mouth puckered as he saw
the blue kingswood with the blue navy
number plates—the yellow anchor and numbers
sticking out in the disco lite of 2 pm,
and his eyes followed its heavy curviness like
a lover departing and stopped as a suzuki escudo ran into
his line of vision,
the nice

comfortable feeling of seeing
a car the make of which is an icon in your country gone from his pale face.
did it come back when we saw the pink legs
of skinned frogs, next to the green
bumpiness of unskinned ones on green sliminess
of day-old papaya leaves, the spines shiny
from the juice of the frogs?
it's like when i dream of a new undiscovered, now disundiscovered,
but soon will be lost again when i wake up,
#34 series of unfinished tintins,
and he cannon shots his french cuffs
from under vivienne's pencil thin (staedler 2B=1.5)
suit arm,
and shakes them like surgeons

waiting for the nurse to fix the surgical gloves
tightly like condoms.
enjamb your lines before
the meaning
is it possible to think, pace N.'s insistence that genius
thinks in pictures,
in dolby dts thx surround sound?

for how else can i tell you of my mother's bad phone manners as she ends
conversations with yes i never knew don't you understand ... click.
but all you need is work at the end
of the day when the orange window panes frame
the black blue of an early evening and the grey rectangled
itunes stretches a blue line over a case of you and i looked at the time remaining
and i couldn't make out the seconds
because of the tears.


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