Wednesday, April 19, 2006


i saw a flower today.

it was white

the only white thing

amongst a batallion of thick

green leaves like bamboo spokes

poking out of the earth

like cannons.

it had six tentacles

(i counted them)

hanging down it like six old chinamen's moustaches

like the ghost orchid in adaptation

except this flower

was no ghost.

it was there

(i saw it)

under the pulomas highway

tiny black dots of grime on its white

like dead stars

unlike anything else

i saw today.


At 6:25 PM, Blogger marianne said...

the one thing that is different, always manages to stir something inside. but when the time comes, they who once showed interests, in the end, leave.
or perhaps i'm just being bitter.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger lo! said...

well, flowers die.

and they always look like they know they're going to die, soon. they always look sulky to me, like they much prefer being left alone to enjoy the brief life they have.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Eko Widyasmoro said... have an eye for details that i can only envy..and the fingers to write it as well..


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