torn raw worth
onlythe subject matteris newsort ofeverything elsepedestrian!it wouldn't be so bad ifi get run overby a passing motoristsoonenough
'Tis clear thou art a loon
The aim of yer chosen passage
Of charming masks and bergamots
The joy of Lot and a quasi-dance
The sadness of yer fantastic disguise
Chant in yer minor mode!
Love is vain and life opportunistic!
The air, the cross, the magic hour
The son & a mêlée on the moon
The calm air on the moon is full of tears, beautiful
The river, birds, trees & the sangfroid of ecstasy & jets of water,
The grandest jets of waters
Svelte as Parma marbles.
- translitic of Paul Verlaine's 'Clair de Lune'
Gondang Dia
«Here the earth vomits trees it doesn't know what to do with.» And you said I was right.
You put a hand, pale like a flower, on the grey trunk of a palm tree, «That's why I feel so out of place—where I come from, the trees keep everything in.»
Birthday letters #4 (The Blue Flannel Suit #2)
21 years ago I saw my dead grandmother, naked & lying on her right side where the cancer started. That was the second time I saw her pubic hair. The first time was when I was five. Old men were trying to wrap her pale stomach in white silk. They struggled with the unexpected heaviness of her corpse. She was three hours dead and already, I had to say goodbye. Too young to understand, too old to cry. The only thing I could do, was turn the mildewed Koran tapes over on the silver Sony on top of the breakfast table.
Birthday letters #3 (The Blue Flannel Suit)
I saw my dead grandmother, naked
xxxlying on her side
xxxxxxwhere the cancer
xxxOld men
xxxxxxwrapped her pale stomach
in white silk.
xxxThey struggled
xxxxxxwith the unexpected heaviness
of her corpse.
xxxShe was three hours dead
xxxxxxand already
I had to say goodbye.
xxxToo young to understand
xxxxxxtoo old to cry.
The only thing
xxxI could do
xxxxxxxwas turn
mildewed Koran tapes
xxxxxxon the silver Toshiba.
Birthday letters #2 (Red)
Dark houses
An architect's fear of light
Dreams of England
Narrow stairs
Cold cubicles
No bath
Birthday letters #1 (The Beach)
An émigré's shock of the newxxxis nothingcompared to his repulsionxxxa year onxxxof the now familiar.
Chao Lei
With one hand on your chin
You look like you're contemplating
Great Things
Like a career in Hollywood
Or ..................................
I wonder
What brand of pomade
Do you wear
To be able to flatten
Your broomstick Mongol hair
Like that
Royal Crown for a royal crown
You're propping up with the said hand?
Whatever happened?
What remains of you
Is a stock fan-letter reply postcard
Of a handsome oriental devil
In sepia
My girlfriend bought it
On a quick stop-over trip
to Hong Kong
Did you ever make it?
Now I look at the watch
You wear on the hand
That propped up your chin
Its hands
Frozen in time
Like the thousands
People found on 10/11
(Were you there?)
They show a mangled
Victory sign
If there does exist the Big Jakarta Poem, it would contain all the following things:
Bratwurst und BeersMünchen withinthe span of a four-leafclover:The Filter Moment HasCome.People go out at 9.47
pm for donuts sprayed with cheese in machinescopied illegally somewhere in Sacramento, Calif., USAand assembled in a war-
ehouse in the outskirtsof this city—Town Squares'din beats the noise thewelders make with thecandy flame of their blow-torches. Whyis everything so loud herewhat happens when you com-bine THX with Dolby? Maybethe gallon-drum mestizo willgo off the scales and thepretty redhead fly on the strange-
ness of her hair—you top beet!—and all that's just aboutthe noise. Govinda govinda go-vinda Jaya jaya—We've stillgot David Hassellhoff on primetime. This city is a pan of boiling water, forget realismand moving Amygismsfor a while now and let'sbuild a future harmonium while the jury's out: Every-thing threatens to boil offinto steam. Things disappearthe way the world's omphalosturn from an outie intosomething non-descript justto make things easy we callit an outie. Let'sdo the long week-end at thevolcano: the merino deathcloud will make easy targetfor your Canon Digital RebelSLR set to [symbol of thunder] orfor the optimists [symbol of cloud] & enjoya culinary feast with viewsof terraced rice fields on greenslopes angled at the exactdegree to make the waterrun down without ever appear-ing to move. I think theycall it moving «vertically down-stream». On boulders like housesthat pimple those green kidssunbathe penises still recover-ing from the bong supits' touch, bar-baric, when they happen at 10,11, you try to get it over &done with before the fine furon the base of your cockgraduate into a full bush.A dilemma you keep to your-self since there's only one wayout. Forget Su Tung-p'o &his walking stick, stop strik-ing jagged stones with it &start somewhere close to a constant height
above sea-level.